
  1. 2021闺蜜最火文案短句英语?


1、You#39;re not really happy, but I am.

2、You are my unique, is my unforgettabSome people, see clearly, also look down upon.

3、Don#39;t inquire about the scenery that has passed by.

4、Come on, go to the light. Never, never look back.

5、Even if the life is a little tired, but still very good.

6、True love is to give freedom to each other and to yourself.

7、I forget how beautiful I was, not swearing, not smiling.

8、The hated have no pain, but the haters are black and blue.

9、Only people appreciate your success, no one cares about your means

10、I think we don#39;t have it. The so-called let it go is just empty talk.

1.As long as you don#39;t leave, I will always be there.


2.It#39;s twice as happy as bubbling.


3.True friendship is like spring flowers.


4.Strange, lovely and lovely.


5.I#39;m only willing to join you.


You ever far is my fixed lattice

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